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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Will Work For Mac N Cheese


Suni was only four months old when I started doing the Farmer's Market. In a sense, we grew into it together. This year she is very involved. In fact, she is so involved that it leads to a less productive day of planting. She is our worst best little helper.

In addition to helping us out with the flowers, she is always helping me at the house. I think my neighbors may think I am an abusive parent because she is always outside working with me.

They may be right. She loves the water and is fascinated with the hose and I think that her favorite thing to do is water the dirt around the plant, but never the plant.

Unless I put it in a wheelbarrow.

Or if granny puts the water in a watering can.


  1. She seems like such a great little helper! Daphne often tries to help me vacuum, I think she makes more of a mess, but it's the gesture that counts.

  2. Wow I can't believe how gown up Suni is. Love your blog! Eric is really excited about his camping trip with Kevin this summer. Hope you get to do something fun too!

  3. I'll fix her Mac & Cheese any day for this kind of help!!!!
